What drew you to getting involved with the Center?

Having experienced an unplanned pregnancy, I know the struggle and pain involved. In II Corinthians it talks  about how God comforts us in our afflictions so we may be able to comfort others. I want to come alongside women and share that comfort.

What has impacted you most about volunteering at the center?  

The opportunity to share and provide resources (physical, emotional and spiritual) based on each individual need. Opportunities to share the hope we have in Christ and the gift of salvation have impacted me most. Just loving on our ladies is a privilege!


Is there a particular moment or experience that stands out to you?

A mother of 4 came in undecided about keeping her baby. Abortion had been an option before and she was undecided now. After we talked, she made a decision to accept Christ. When she returned for her sonogram I was able to be with her. As she left the center that day we hugged and she shared she was going to keep the baby!