Alex Ng

Alex Ng

What drew you to get involved with the Center?

I had been feeling the need to change my jobs while sensing the desire to do more gospel ministry-related work. The Lord answered my prayers and the desire of my heart with a friend telling me about this position. I love how gospel-centered FWPC is. Everyone truly loves Jesus here and wants people to know Him.

What has impacted you most about working at the Center?

Seeing how the Lord works so evidently in this ministry has been amazing. Soon after I began working at the Center, the Lord made it abundantly clear that He wanted us to relaunch our men’s program, ministering to the fathers that come here. Week after week, we’ve watched the Lord bringing potential male volunteers to the Center, wanting to get involved, and we often have no idea how these guys found out about us.

Is there a particular moment or experience that stands out to you?

It’s been cool to see God pouring out His provision through His generous people. I remember one day, we were getting ready to bless our clients with material assistance and two different churches showed up to bring us baby items to give away, totally unplanned. God is so awesome.

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