Lesly Martinez

What led you to get involved with the Center?

What drew me was the values of the center, and what they are fighting for. I love that I am surrounded at work by others with the same values. We have the same mission and it’s bigger than us.

What has impacted you most about working at the Center?

I have been taken by the care and compassion every person has for the moms that walk through these doors. I see how the advocates care to make everyone feel seen and heard. Whether the woman is considering abortion or is happy to be pregnant, the care given to each mom is the same.

Is there a particular moment or experience that stands out to you?

We had an abortion-minded client come in for a pregnancy test and when she realized we are not an abortion clinic she got upset and said that she was not any closer to having an abortion done. We were able to do a same-day sonogram for her. As she saw the heartbeat of the little baby she was carrying she began to cry. I’m not quite sure what was going on in her head, she did not express much and as she walked out she did not specify whether she had changed her mind or not. I think that stood out so much to me because it was a good reminder that we are not here to force anyone into anything but we are here to inform and educate each mom. We do our best with our part and God does the rest.

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